The South Korean Samsung protester living in the sky

The South Korean Samsung protester living in the sky

For nearly a year, 61-year-old Kim Yong-hee, has being living on a 20m high traffic tower in the centre of Seoul, South Korea. It’s the latest in a quarter-century of protests Mr Kim has made, fighting for workers’ rights at Samsung.

Kim Yong-hee says he was fired by the global tech giant nearly 30 years ago, when he tried to form a trade union. He’s been protesting ever since and vows not to come down until the company improves workers’ rights.

In a statement Samsung said: "The safety of Mr Kim is of our highest priority and we have engaged in negotiations. Contrary to certain allegations, Mr Kim was dismissed according to standing company regulations. Samsung regrets the current situation and is trying to resolve this issue.”


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

유망혁신기업 130개사 총출동 , 대한민국 대표 유망혁신기업들 상생협력 장터 열린다. 코엑스, 밍글링존 기획해 유망혁신기업들과 비즈니스커넥팅 서비스 제공

주한외국기업연합회 KOFA, 동덕여대 & 서울북부지역대학들과 힘합쳐 글로벌기업 취업박람회 성공적으로 개최

서문교 ASM Korea 인사담당상무, 주한외국기업인사관리협회 KOFEN HR 회장선임